A tree
Lately I've been giving life a lot of thought and only come to one conclusion. The only conclusion that makes sense to me in every aspect. The conclusion where if I'm having self doubts or questions, I return to this idea; I'm not a tree. Let me unpack this idea. When contemplating the idea of quitting my job mid March of this year I had anxiety and fear. "What will I do this fall?" "Will I get another teaching job if I quit?" "Is this job fulfilling enough for me to stay here for another year?" Then it came to me. If I'm unhappy, having self doubt, and questioning my life at such a young age this is not where I'm meant to be. I'm not a tree. I was planted here yes, but unlike a tree, I can move. My roots may stay, but my trunk will go. This summer, when I found out all of my friends were leaving me to move to Denver. My heart ached and my stomach churned. "How will I find new friends?" "Will I ever leave my hous...