Thanks November; days 4-6
Thank you ex boyfriend, antibiotics, and breakfast in bed.
Days 4-6, since this week was a whirlwind.
First of all, I tried to blog several times this week with virtually no luck. So here ya have it, 3 days of being thankful.
Day 4:
Thank you Adele for making a song that says the words I’ve been swallowing deep inside my soul for about 6 months. We’ve all been there, in love and naive. My best relationship, truthfully, my only relationship worth anything at all, was shattered two summers ago. It’s been over a year and a half that I have ‘done me’, ‘fallen in love with myself' and reconnected with who I truly am. Yet, almost every day I think about those days where he was beside me through thick and thin, lots of thin. I think about the good, the bad, and the ugly. Then, I think about the inevitable day where our relationship crumbled like an over baked, burned cookie. We were great for so long and enjoyed each other’s company for what seemed like eternity, similar to when a batch of cookies bakes in the oven and the aroma fills a warm home up. But before we knew it, it burned. All at once we crumbled. The words that escaped my lips can’t ever be taken back, his actions can’t be taken back. And before we could blink, it was over.

Thanks Adele for putting my feelings and heart into words and a beautiful song-- I’m going to the other side now.
Day 5:
Thank you amoxicillin for helping me get over the crud. It seems like everyone in Colorado has had the crud the past few weeks and despite my gallant efforts to avoid the sniffles-- it’s impossible. So this was the week where I felt like someone was sitting on my face and sinuses, I had swallowed a cactus, and couldn’t breathe. Of course naturally this falls on the week where I’m observed for the first official time this year and my voice is going weak- as well as my patience.
Anyway, after Thursday, my day from down under, I decided it was time to let my body have a break. I took Friday off and pampered myself at home. I watched some TV, took a bubble bath, and slept most of the day. But now today, I feel more like myself! I can breathe out of my nose and my head doesn’t feel like a sumo wrestler is sitting on it anymore. I take this as a win.
Day 6:
Enjoy your weekend friends! Cheers.
Muffin Recipe:
2 1/2 c flour
1 c Sugar
1/2 Tbs baking powder
1 tsp Baking Soda
1/2 tsp Salt
2 tsp Cinnamon
1 c sour milk (add 2 generous squirts of lemon juice to regular milk)
1/2 c Vegetable oil
2 eggs
3 small-medium apples, chopped up
1/2 c raisins
1/2 c chopped walnuts-- if desired.
Preheat oven to 400º.
Stir dry ingredients together until well mixed. Add wet ingredients all at once and mix. Put apples, raisins and walnuts in mix and fold in.
Put into muffin tins and bake 12-15 minutes.
Let cool 15 minutes and eat.
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