Thanks November; Thanksgiving Day

Thank you bills, cancer, and pie art.

I suppose this is technically day “7” of Thanks November, since I only get around to writing on the good ole blog about once a week. However, I have been thinking of my thanks every day this month and attempting to find the silver lining of each and every day, no matter how bad the day was. So here we go. 

Thank you bills for coming each month, but thank you bank account for having money to pay said bills. I’m grateful enough to have a job where I am able to pay my mortgage, electric, HOA, gas, etc. comfortably and even have money left over to buy food to eat! Though some may think this sounds ridiculous, my eyes have been widened over the last three, almost four, months working in a very low SES school. Several of my students don’t have a home, food, winter coats, shoes without holes, and toiletries, but yet they come to school and give me gifts almost everyday.  Gifts like beautiful leaves they found on the walk to school; or expired milk they received from the food bank; just because they want to show their love to me. So yes, I’m thankful for having a job which allows me to pay my bills, come home to a warm place to live and fill my belly with food each day and night. I’m grateful for the opportunity to work with children who live such different lives than myself, but yet make the most of each and everyday.  
I’m thankful that even though some days aren’t the best with my students, they come back around and hug me and thank me for holding them accountable. Take last week for example, I was sworn at, called names, and a child even hit me, however Monday morning, they came in, said they missed me and loved me. When I hold my students accountable and have high expectations, they succeed. I know that my job is to help them grow and succeed as contributing individuals of society, but they have made me grow and succeed by opening up my eyes to those in need all around me. So yes, my job is difficult, yes I cry- a lot, and yes I wonder how I am going to make it to May. But at the end of the day, I know I’m making a difference and that’s helping me get through these tough days.
So, all in all, I’m thankful for bills and a job where I can pay them.  

Along with the opportunity to pay my bills, I have to thank my parents. Thank you mom and dad for teaching me what hard work looks like. Thank you for giving me the tools to succeed as a teacher, homemaker, daughter, friend, niece, and granddaughter. Thank you for helping me in school so I was able to graduate college. Thank you for teaching me how to cook, clean, and budget money.  Thank you for teaching me to be independent; strong; determined; and appreciative. Without my parents, I would not be where I am today- educated, living in a beautiful home, grateful for the good and the bad. 

On this day of thanks, I’m thankful for horrible news. Even though our family has suffered several tragic losses and bouts of horrendous bad news, I’m thankful for cancer and even...death. I’m thankful for the opportunity to to remember how precious life is. How wonderful that we as a family can come together and celebrate the people who we love so much and the terrific life they lived. I think being able to enjoy each other throughout the years, make memories to last a lifetime, and support one another in everything they do, outweighs the day we have to say 'see you later'. Cancer gives us an opportunity to appreciate the time we spend with our loved ones and hold them close to our hearts, enjoying each moment we have to cherish them before they go. It gives us an opportunity to thank The Lord for giving us such wonderful people who have been with us and made an impact on our lives. Life isn’t eternal, but life after life is. While we are alive on Earth, it is our job to make the most of it, hold memories close to our hearts, and accept death around us. That is, until it is our turn to live eternally with Jesus and all our family that will greet us when it is our time to go. So no, hearing the dreadful news isn’t something I look forward to, but part of having such a big family means accepting the fact that it’s part of life. We have to cherish the moments we have with them while we have them, appreciate the time God has given us with them, and know that someday we will be reunited. 

Finally, thank you pie art, and all of my hobbies that keep my mind busy and heart happy.

I love baking, knitting, cooking, decorating, singing, and being crafty in general! I’m thankful for my here’s a couple of raw pictures and one fancy picture to preview Thanksgiving’s dessert. 
[not pictured- cherry pie, pecan pie, sweet potato casserole, green bean casserole, and pumpkin bars that I made yesterday] ...okay and the bountiful amount of dirty dishes, floury messes, and 5 loads of laundry that I also took care of yesterday! Ahh, such is life! 
Happy Thanksgiving.


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